Abortion has traumatizing effects

Abortion pain is real and leaves a deep and wide, serious wound.

No matter where you are on your abortion journey – if you experienced it last week or 40 years ago – complete healing is possible and available through Someone Cares.

As women, we are designed in mind, spirit and body to make life, not destroy it.

Abortion cuts deeply into our God-given nature to be a life-giver, leaving trauma wounds that need healing.

There is hope and help!

After abortion, people may feel:

Alone and guilty...with a story too awful to share.

Angry with themselves...and others who facilitated the abortion.

Regret and shame...the opposite of publicly celebrated abortions.

Deep sadness...around pregnant women, new mothers, or grandparents.

Protective and guarded...not authentic or honest in relationships.

Fearful of judgment, gossip...and the perception of God’s anger.

Emotionally numb...missing out on fully experiencing life.

Confused...with a variety of unpredictable emotions.

There is

These and many other trauma reactions effect women who have had one or more abortions. Someone Cares has been helping women heal their hearts from abortion trauma wounds for over 30 years. We are here for you.

In a crisis or having thoughts of suicide?





or call or text 


to connect with a Crisis Counselor.

More help at American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

After abortions, women may:

Abuse their bodies...with drugs, alcohol, or unhealthy eating habits.

Continually have problems...in their relationships with family and friends.

Act out in their pain...setting themselves up for failure in many areas of life.

Have low self-esteem...leading them into damaging and dysfunctional relationships.

Become hyper controlling...an anxious perfectionist, addicted to performance and productivity.

Bury their pain...pretending the abortion didn’t happen, not understanding why they feel depressed and self-sabotage.

Separate from God...falsely believing He doesn’t love them anymore, being too ashamed to face Him, or afraid of punishment.

Think and behave with unhealthy patterns...among many other ways of reacting and coping that keep them from thriving and living full lives..


Freedom and victory can be the next chapter of your life! There is a hopeful future available for everyone who is negatively effected by abortion!

You're invited




Healing the heartbreak of abortion. A transformative journey of hope.