
We are here to help you

As women who have also experienced abortions, we empathize with your feelings and questions. We’ve provided some answers to common questions.

Please feel free to contact us with any other questions you may have about your abortion and abortion aftercare.

You are not alone.

TO DO: Add links to “Resources” page.

We understand how you feel, and so confidentiality is our highest priority. We have intentionally designed our communications and gatherings around your privacy. Someone Cares creates a safe environment for you to process and heal. All participants and facilitators share abortion as part of their story. You are not alone.

Healing happens in community, in the presence of others who share your experiences and feelings, especially when they involve pain. In our healing groups, women help each other through sharing insights, coping strategies, and supporting one another on their healing journey. Making peace with the past enriches the present and gives hope for the future.

There are many facets of forgiveness: knowing forgiveness is available, forgiving yourself, and forgiving others involved in your abortion. It’s a heavy burden to carry alone. Together, we find freedom from all chains of un-forgiveness.

The feelings and coping patterns you may experience following an abortion are unique to you. Your abortion experience may include: shame, guilt, relief, denial, shock, alone in secrecy, fear of judgment, intensely sad, angry, deep regret, confusion, in crisis, depression, emotionally numb, unforgivable, unlovable, and many more.

We meet you where you are and walk with you from there.

If you are feeling suicidal, please contact Suicide Prevention.

Whether your abortion occurred decades ago or just a few weeks ago, the best time to heal wounds is now. Surviving is not the same as thriving. You may have coped well or poorly all these years. Either way, your best self and healthiest life shines with victorious freedom from the past.

Your privacy and safety are our priority. All participants in Someone Cares groups and retreats initially talk with Lulie Thomas, founder and group facilitator of Someone Cares to be sure that it is the best fit for you. Her warm, compassionate empathy paves solid ground for you to take your first steps.

We encourage you to find out more about our Heart-healing Groups and Calendar of events.


In a crisis or having thoughts of suicide?





or call or text 


to connect with a Crisis Counselor.

More help at American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

You're invited




Healing the heartbreak of abortion. A transformative journey of hope.
After my abortion

I felt alone. angry. grief. shame. guilt. unlovable. unforgivable.

Abortion affects the mind and spirit, not just the body. It’s a trauma wound that needs to be healed.