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Someone Cares is about people, not politics. We are about healing hearts.
Here you will not hear about pro-abortion or anti-abortion.
We are pro-women, focused on helping one another heal.

After attending Someone Cares retreat I found
a hope that grows deep in my soul day by day.

I never would have imagined that processing my secrets and shadows
would begin a healing journey that brings such hope and joy into my life.

I don’t feel alone anymore and now I have tons of tools
to help me process my guilt and shame.

My secret chained me in darkness for years,
but once it became my testimony, I was freed to live in the light!

Someone Cares made me feel heard, accepted, loved,
forgiven, peaceful, and have closure.

Not only did my child die, but a part of me died.

I went to the retreat halfway happy, but I left dancing and rejoicing!
Deep levels of complete forgiveness and freedom had rescued me.

I was forced to get an abortion. But I see now that I am not powerless
to fully recover. I can have victory over my past, and a thriving future!

I cannot emphasize “find your grief community” enough.
Healing truly began after that. It saved me.

I lived in denial that my abortion and bad decisions
were negatively impacting me.

Levels of complete forgiveness and freedom rescued me!
I am grateful for the ministry of Someone Cares.
It blessed me with new beginnings!

My step-father abused me and then took me to the abortion clinic.

It’s a lot of work to hide and remind myself that I’m not forgivable.
It’s a lot of work to reject God. When I went to Him and put this before Him,
and I asked for forgiveness, and really received that gift,
all that work is over. It’s just done. And now I can rest.

I used to feel that my story was too ugly and horrifying to share.
Once it was in God’s hands, my story became my powerful testimony.

I was hesitant to go to Someone Cares.
But as I surrendered everything concerning abortions’ lost journey to God,
He released me of poison I didn’t realize was within my soul.

I lost my child. I lost a part of myself, and this ministry gave me the opportunity to grieve that when the world would say, “It’s a choice you made, just move on.”

After I aborted I felt undeserving of being loved, even by God.

I went to the class and I began to understand who God really was,
and who I was in Christ. And there was nothing I could do
that would make Him stop loving me.

I was just so shut down that I didn’t even want to hear
any conversation about abortion, even if it was positive.

After this soul-searching retreat something divine happened to me.
It is unexplainable.

I didn’t think that someone like me, who had had an abortion, deserved healing, compassion, unconditional love, a place to grieve my unborn child.
And above all of that, forgiveness. And I definitely didn’t think anyone cared.

Someone Cares is a safe place to be vulnerable and courageous.

I was in such bondage to my abortion, that I faced a lot of other struggles.

I feel that God has redeemed my life from the pit.

I felt assured in my spirit that God had forgiven me. But I had not forgiven myself.
It never occurred to me how important forgiving myself was.

I was afraid that if people knew what I had done they would
have nothing to do with me. It was very lonely.
I thought, if I could just pretend that it never happened,
life would get back to normal. That never happened.

I love the Someone Cares facilitators. They loved us, and when we had doubts, they were there for us. Their prayers and encouragement meant the world to me.

After my abortion, anger had seeped into every area of my life,
and I blamed it on everyone else, including God.

I saw God’s loving kindness. His mercy. His goodness.
He can use my story, and use my life, to encourage and help other women.

Lord, you know every step I will take before my journey even begins.
You’ve gone into my future to prepare the way, and in kindness
you follow behind me to spare me from the harm of my past.
- Psalm 139:5
- Psalm 139:5